Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Day 4

Well, we finally made it to the boys' home today. We were set on getting most of the painting done before they got back from school, but weren't we surprised to find out that they were out of school today... Oh, Joy! 

We are men. We are task driven. We don't like interruption while we work (and all the wives say, Amen!), and we found ourselves in the middle of what could possibly become a messy situation: 20 excited boys (4 to 16 years old), 4 guys with their "game face" on, and 10 gallons of paint. You get the picture. 

We started off by asking the boys to stay away from the supplies and let us task-oriented men do God's work  Well, that only lasted for about 20 minutes.  As soon as the 4 of us were settled, supplies started to come out of our case, and I was asked to pour paint in different containers from all kinds of little people. I tried to stop the kids from helping, but that's when the Spirit kicked in: It's not about the building, it's about the kids. 

 So the kids painted. They ALL painted. They painted the walls...for the most part. They just followed our lead; one of us would start working in a room by ourselves and 5 minutes later there would be 8 more kids in the same room. It was a little crowded to say the least. 

One thing we found out today is that these boys love to work and to help. They took ownership of their place and painted non-stop for several hours.  We got it all done quickly giving us a chance to just hang out with the boys some more...after they washed off. 

We ended our day like we usually do: on the roof worshiping and crying out to God. 


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