Friday, May 4, 2012

Days 5 & 6

The past two days were designated to finish little projects around the hospital: kitchen sink and cabinets, wiring for flood lights, organizing and sorting supplies and tools, a little more painting, installing a refrigerator and other odds and ends. 

We work hard, get a lot done, and really feel like we are making a difference.   But what I like best about these trips are the long lasting friendships we make. We have met new people in Haiti,  really great people I hope we can keep in touch with. 

As members of a team, we get to know each other on a deeper level and  hold that special connection with one another. Obviously our accommodations are modest but  comfortable. Six of us are sharing a bedroom and one bathroom so as you can imagine, courtesy is the key. 

Some of our team members had to leave today to return to Raleigh. It is sad that the team had to be broken up, but we are praying for safe travels for them.

The rest of us are enjoying some well deserved entertainment tonight. 


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