Saturday, May 5, 2012

Day 7

Today was our last full day on the island, so we planned a day off for both teams (Conquest & TCR).  We went on a 2 1/2 hour school bus ride to the other side of the island to a private beach, and we enjoyed a well deserved rest. 

On our first post, we said nerves of steel were needed to drive in Haiti.  Well, we found out first hand today that nerves of steel are also needed to sit behind the driver.  Everyone drives so close to each other that I (Stephan) caught myself leaning towards the inside of the bus several times to avoid being hit by oncoming traffic.  We also found out that traffic signs and traffic lights do exist in Haiti, but that Haitians just don't respect them.  Video footage of their chaotic driving habits will be posted when we return back home.

We weaved through traffic (and cattle...) to finally make it to the beach. The view was breathtaking and the water was refreshing. Although we were fed very well all week, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to have some lobster tail for lunch. We were hungry and the price was right. 

We had a great week and got a lot done, but we are all tired and are looking forward to going home tomorrow.


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