The Team

Stephan Boutin
"I have been involved with Conquest men's ministry since my family started attending RFA about 3 years ago. But it was about 1 1/2 years ago that God started to reveal His perfect plan for our family; He has given us a passion for orphans and we want to care for as many as we possibly can.  We are humbly trying to live out James 1:27. This will be my first time in Haiti and I truly believe God will use this time to fuel my "Holy Discontent" about the plight of the orphans."

 Chris Casino
Chris has participated in several mission trips at RFA.  As a husband, father, and RFA Youth Leader, he enjoys serving others for God's Kingdom.

Dan Conrad 
Dan has been married to his wife, Amy, for 30 years.  They have three children in college and have been attending RFA for 3 years.  Dan and Amy are the custodians for RFA and serve in the Children's Ministry Department.  This is Dan's first mission trip.  "I am expecting great things from God on this trip.  I am pretty handy in most areas and just want to be available to bless the people of Haiti." 

 Chris Fewox
This is Chris' sixth trip to Haiti.  "Each time I go I am reminded of how the Lord is using the church to minister to the poor and needy.  God's plan is to nurture and raise up the orphaned and the needy." (Psalm 113:7,8)

Rob Marrin 
"I want to go to Haiti to see first hand what God is doing with hospitals and Bible schools in third world countries. I feel that the Lord will use me in the days ahead to financially help in this area of ministry."

Michael Zwick
"I believe going on this trip will deepen my understanding of what it is really like to go without.  I don't understand how good I have things here.  Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

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