Monday, April 30, 2012

Day 3

Today was supposed to be our first work day at the boys' home. We were really looking forward to painting the interior and maybe playing a little soccer with the boys after school. Unfortunately, we had to stay in the safety of the compound today because there were riots nearby and some streets/neighborhoods were literally shut down. Although we did not witness any of it, the situation must have been quite serious because the U.N. helicopter flew around a few times today. 

We stayed at the hospital and did work here instead. We built a frame to install a kitchen sink that has been in storage for years. We installed flood lights on 2 opposite corners of the hospital building.  While looking through the hospital for supplies, Rob found a new church jacket. 

All the men worked very hard in the scorching heat today, and we got a lot done. Just before dinner we went in the tent village to play ball with the kids, and we all had a blast. Although we were overwhelmed by the amount of kids that wanted our attention, it was pale in comparison to the joy and satisfaction we received when we did give them the attention they so desperately long for. 

Please continue to lift us up in your prayers. Although we have a task list that we would love to accomplish, I want us to be mindful of God's appointed opportunities. 


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